In 2018, my journey into comic anthologies began. Artist Ryan Kroboth invited me to team-up with him for Caleb Palmquist’s Modern Mythology: The Hero’s Journey. While doing my research, I had one rule: do something different. That's my rule for all pitches. Pitch something I haven’t read before.
For this particular anthology, all submissions had to modernize a myth. I took the Pueblos’ Water Jar Boy myth.
From pitch to script, I completely changed the ending (find out in a future post how it ends).
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I love that the residents of this city either blame him directly for the drought or beg him to save them. In the end, born groups want the same outcome, the insides of WJB.
Looking back at my panel descriptions, I wish I had given the city a dirtier personality. Picture skyscrapers dropped into the middle of the Wild West.
I love Ryan’s little art details like the dead palm tree and this world’s very own Mario!